Feral Cat Trapping: Tips for overcoming distractions

When trying to trap a feral cat to spay or neuter it, there are many things that can get in the way. Here are just a few:

1. Other cats or dogs: If there are other animals in the area, they might scare away the stray cat you are trying to catch. For instance, if dogs are barking nearby, or the colony cats want to eat the bait food, the target cat might get spooked and run away.

2. Human activity: If there are a lot of people going around or talking loudly in the area, it can scare the feral cat and make it hard to catch. Choose a secluded place for doing #tnr

3. Noises: Loud sounds like building work, traffic, motorbikes, or loud music can be annoying and make it harder to catch the target cat.

4. Other places to get food: If there is trash or people feeding other cats nearby, your cat may not be as interested in the bait you put in the trap.

5. Bad weather: Like rain or snow, can also take your attention away. Cats prefer to take shelter and are less likely to go near the trap when it’s raining.

6. If you are catching cats in front of other feline eyes, other cats may be more wary of the trap and it will become harder to catch after they saw their friend is trapped. To make it easier to catch a stray cat so it can be spayed or neutered, it is important to keep these things from happening as much as possible. This could mean moving the trap to a quieter place, using a different bait, or putting it up at a time when there is less noise or activity. Working with a skilled trapper or an animal rescue group can also improve your chances of success.